Tumbling in Google Images and Insta-fines

Hi guys!

When I started blogging, Mr. Theriault, my English Honors 2 teacher, told the class to use large pictures for blog posts. He also said something that I still remember about today: copyrights and fines. He had said that we were using these blogs for “educational purposes” and that we would be fined for “educational purposes,” making it seem like fining students for a learning process look ridiculous. I wasn’t very satisfied with that answer. So, hopefully in this blog post, I’ll be able to elaborate more on this subject and  prevent other bloggers from being fined.

Mr. Theriault lightly touched on this subject, which inevitably got me interested on how I should protect myself and how to warn others of carelessly using images. The main go-to source bloggers use for pictures is Google Images. I used this simple and easy tool as well, but I read a blog post by Roni Loren that helped me earn a better understanding of how bloggers can get sued for using copyrighted photos  According to the “Blogger Beware: You CAN Get Sued For Using Photos You Don’t Own on Your Blog” (wow… this title is way too long, but at least it’s straightforward?), there are multiple mistakes that blogger make while choosing photos and there are ways to protect yourself from getting fined.

Using a simple disclaimer doesn’t protect a blogger from violating copyright rules. A common disclaimer that Loren has identified from many blogs is:

“THIS BLOG claims no credit for any images posted on this site unless otherwise noted. Images on this blog are copyright to its respectful owners. If there is an image appearing on this blog that belongs to you and do not wish for it appear on this site, please E-mail with a link to said image and it will be promptly removed.”

This method obviously doesn’t work because Loren tried it and had her blogs taken down.

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Painting With Water Colors, Glue, and Salt


This is the last blog post for school, meaning this is also for the English Final, YIKES! AND ALSO, today is my 16th birthday, so I thought it would be fitting to post on this day! For the Final, our English teacher told us that we had to do a quick 4 minute presentation on things that are the Best, the Worst, or a “How to…” presentation. I was going to do a presentation on why “Music is the Best” but I decided to do something different and I wanted to do a “How to Paint with Water Colors, Glue and Salt.” If you’re thinking “Whaaaaaaaaaaat? How can you paint with glue and salt!?” Well, I’ll show you how! Also, I got this idea from SweetHappyLife and here’s the link to this awesome website filled with crafts that are SUPER easy to make!

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Steve Jobs

Hello everyone!

Remember the blog post I did a few months back about Orphans and What If projects? And I applied the song “Hey Brother” by Avicii? If not, I’ll provide a short summary in this post, but you should check out the older post! If so, then here’s a part twooo!!!

In English class, actually, not English class, but its a humanities class. We do read books and discuss about them and write essays, but my teacher applies books in a way to benefit life and make our lives more worth living. This year, he decided to try something new which is the What If or DIY project. We were separated into groups of our pick and my group consisting of other bloggers decided to raise the awareness of orphans!  This is our contact information:


Our group decided that we should create a Facebook page in order to promote awareness among the teenagers about orphans. What we thought of was: what is the best way to catch a teenager’s attention? Phones, Smartphones. Who created them? Steve Jobs! Know what else? He was an orphan as well.

 We’re not that good with technology and editing, but we tried! This is our video with information of Steve Jobs. Please try to share this video if possible. Since this is also a music blog, I found something really awesome on YouTube called “Thank You, Steve.” It’s an amazing remixed tune that is made with ONLY SOUNDS FROM APPLE PRODUCTS and excerpts from his speeches! You should definitely listen to it and Steve’s inspirational quotes!

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Song of the Caged Bird

Hello everyone! : )
This is my first blog post about music. I love music and its been a big part of my life; playing the piano, guitar, and flute and I love to sing. I’ve created this blog to share my ideas and interpretations of my absolutely favorite songs. This first song is called “Song of the Caged Bird.” Please listen to it first then read below for my analysis.

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