Hope Nguyen

Disclaimer! This is not a goodbye because I’m terrible with goodbye’s. So think of these blog posts as a “thank-you-for-everything-that-you’ve-done-for-me-and-I’ll-never-forget-you” kind of thing. I will definitely see you again in the future so don’t you dare think that I’m just going to disappear from the surface of the Earth. If you want to read all the blog posts I’ve made about my “departure,” then please scroll down to “Categories” and pick “Timothy’s Letter to the Church.” This series of blog posts will be personal and only a select few will understand what I’m saying, so, sorry to those who have no clue of what I’m talking about!

Um…I’m not sure if you’ll be O.K. with me putting you on my blog and the internet in general, but what ever! 😀 Since I have a lot of people to talk about, I need to place a limit on how many words I’ll write for each person, so does a max of 800 words per person sound good? Including the “Disclaimer” that will be at the beginning and the introduction of each blog post? No? Well this is my blog so sucks for you 😛

As you can see, I’m trying to apply as much humor I can so that I’ll be able to publicly embarrass you aaaand make sure you don’t forget me. 😀 Don’t worry, I’ll save the last 100 words for a nice paragraph announcing my love for you. Let’s begin with the embarrassing moments shall we?

This will either be a helpful or hope-less blog post. Let’s see what happens because yours is gonna be a bit different

We don’t usually hang out of side of Church, which is really sad 😦 Buuuut I do have this moment listed as pretty awkward. It comes in two parts. Remember we volunteers to make deserts for the good bye party for Co Lily? Well, the part that I remember clearly is us going to the store, then having to wait 20 awkward minutes for Ethan to get money. LOL. So we were shopping for ingredients to bake pies and what not for the party. But we were a couple dollars short, so we sent Ethan to run back to your house to get money. But the strange thing was, he didn’t come back 20 minutes later? So we just stood there awkward near the clerk (the clerk was probably thinking Are they gonna purchase oooor nah?) Finally Ethan came back with the money and purchased it. Then, next awkward moment was when we were baking. We had no idea how long to put the pies inside the oven, so I think we just waited and guessed when to take them out. TBH, they tasted gross, sorry?

This is the part where it gets different Hope. YOU’RE A FELLOW BLOGGER ON WORDPRESS 😀
For anyone reading this, go follow her on http://thehealthyhippo.wordpress.com
Since you are a fellow blogger, I’m gonna give you some tips to help out your blog that I received from my blogging English teacher

  1. Have a clear point that you want to get to your readers. If you continue to go in circles (unless going in circles is the point of you blog) it will confuse your audience. Know what you want to talk about then express it through your words. Think of it like an essay. You begin with your thesis which contains what you want to talk about. And each essay has a theme. After you’ve established what you want to talk about, you explain it.
  2. Love what you write about.  How can you write about something, but not agree or like what you write about? It reminds me of those essay prompts that instructs you to “Read the article, then choose whether to defend or argue what the author is saying.” You have to feel strongly about something to get the most of it. I love music, but I also like giving tips and shedding light on human nature. I combined both and created this blog.
  3. My last tip is probably the most important one: stay persistent. From my year of blogging, I learned that the more posts that you have out; the more content you have; brings more people to your website. But to get people, you need to be happy with what you’ve written and try to give quality to each blog post. It may seem like a chore at first, but don’t worry, it’ll get more fun as time goes on.

Now like all the other posts, time to cry about this good bye. Hope Nguyen, thank you for being such a great friend for all these years. You’re creative, clever, and most importantly, understanding. Every time I talk to you, you are always thoughtful and easy to talk to. People can trust you and you try your best to give the best advice you can. When I discovered that we both loved YouTubers, we had like, a mini-spazz-out. We also have similar tastes in design, art, and decoration coordination; which I always loved about you because finally someone understands me when I talk about color schemes. Overall, thank you for everything that I’m sad that you missed my goodbye party, but know you were there spiritually in my heart. I love you!

Song to dedicate to you… umm… how about:

Sigh….Troye Sivan

Faith Nguyen

Disclaimer! This is not a goodbye because I’m terrible with goodbye’s. So think of these blog posts as a “thank-you-for-everything-that-you’ve-done-for-me-and-I’ll-never-forget-you” kind of thing. I will definitely see you again in the future so don’t you dare think that I’m just going to disappear from the surface of the Earth. If you want to read all the blog posts I’ve made about my “departure,” then please scroll down to “Categories” and pick “Timothy’s Letter to the Church.” This series of blog posts will be personal and only a select few will understand what I’m saying, so, sorry to those who have no clue of what I’m talking about!

Um…I’m not sure if you’ll be O.K. with me putting you on my blog and the internet in general, but what ever! 😀 Since I have a lot of people to talk about, I need to place a limit on how many words I’ll write for each person, so does a max of 800 words per person sound good? Including the “Disclaimer” that will be at the beginning and the introduction of each blog post? No? Well this is my blog so sucks for you 😛

As you can see, I’m trying to apply as much humor I can so that I’ll be able to publicly embarrass you aaaand make sure you don’t forget me. 😀 Don’t worry, I’ll save the last 100 words for a nice paragraph announcing my love for you. Let’s begin with the embarrassing moments shall we?

Ugh…its Faith…What to do with you…

  1. Well, let’s start with the most obvious embarrassment: “The Ship of Titanic.” Our parents would always force us to hold hands and sit next to each other -__- So annoying. Just because your birthday is on June 8th and mine June 10th, doesn’t  foretell that we’ll be couples in our parent’s fantasies. Although, I think it was our moms who were more for this ship. But like the Titanic, it is evident that this ship will sink. Also, I think it’s funny how our mom’s are telling us to not date until after High School even though we were forced together at age 8 and 6… motherly hypocrites x.x
  2. This one you told me multiple times: “The Angelic Voice Crack.” When we were in EBTT “Angel Alert” and you were assigned as Mary, me Joseph (fate is cruel), we had to sing a duet together. yaaaay…. Anyways, there was one part where we had to sing harmony, me lower and you higher. When we got to that part, there was a strange pitched noise that come from you when we performed in front of the ENTIRE Church. I didn’t know this, but you cried afterwards? (Sorry for laughing at your pain)
  3. Another embarrassing moment was when our song “I Knew You Were Trouble” by Taylor Swift played on the radio. My sister told me that she could hear us sing even though we were in separate rooms. Soooo awkward. This must have meant that the entire Church heard us scream the lyrics to that song.
  4. Think back to one teens retreat where we were walking in the dark. Then we encounter a gigantic moth! I was enthralled and wanted to catch it. You were just purely scared and called your mom out of the room. That was how you ended up killing that poor moth! Your mom got a piece of paper and then stomped on the innocent moth. Holding this against you!
  5. This memory I mark as one of your lowest: when Theo dissed you and called you trash. So I think we were doing something for Father’s Day one Friday night and we got into a make-fun-of-others-and-burning-war. Then it got so intense that Theo said,
    “Hey Faith, did you know that your dad was fined for littering?”
    And you replied (you shouldn’t have replied), “for what?”Theo, “For throwing you out”
    Harsh, but funny? Sorry, I’m a terrible friend. At least you won’t forget me now!?

Faith Nguyen, it is time to reconcile myself and establish that we are friends LOL, so please, if you can, disregard the 4 low moments of your life that I just told the entire world. You were and will always be my singing buddy. Whenever you started a Frozen song, I always felt the need to accompany you by singing harmony, and then Longlee ending up singing 3rd harmony. We always started a beautiful-on-the-spot cover of the nation anthem (lol not really). We’ve made so many memories together. I think we should thank our moms for BFF’s which caused us to be BFF’s. You were also so insightful and helpful. You were the one who volunteered to pray when no one else would. I’m gonna miss that awkward voice that would interrupt the serene silence and me backing you up and making the awkward situation even more awkward. You were the person to back me up when playing Killer, but I ended up killing us both for assuming the wrong person. You’re the type of person that’s indescribable through words, but through actions. I’m gonna miss your warm hugs that cheered me up. I’m gonna miss you making fun of all the female friends I made. I hope that we’ll continue to be an awkward pair in the future. I love you!

Songs I dedicate to you:

And of course I couldn’t forget this song:

Ethan Nguyen

Disclaimer! This is not a goodbye because I’m terrible with goodbye’s. So think of these blog posts as a “thank-you-for-everything-that-you’ve-done-for-me-and-I’ll-never-forget-you” kind of thing. I will definitely see you again in the future so don’t you dare think that I’m just going to disappear from the surface of the Earth. If you want to read all the blog posts I’ve made about my “departure,” then please scroll down to “Categories” and pick “Timothy’s Letter to the Church.” This series of blog posts will be personal and only a select few will understand what I’m saying, so, sorry to those who have no clue of what I’m talking about!

Um…I’m not sure if you’ll be O.K. with me putting you on my blog and the internet in general, but what ever! 😀 Since I have a lot of people to talk about, I need to place a limit on how many words I’ll write for each person, so does a max of 800 words per person sound good? Including the “Disclaimer” that will be at the beginning and the introduction of each blog post? No? Well this is my blog so sucks for you 😛

As you can see, I’m trying to apply as much humor I can so that I’ll be able to publicly embarrass you aaaand make sure you don’t forget me. 😀 Don’t worry, I’ll save the last 100 words for a nice paragraph announcing my love for you. Let’s begin with the embarrassing moments shall we?

  1. I’m pretty sure you don’t remember this because we were like, reeaaaallly small, maybe 3rd graders. But we were helping out for EBTT Christmas and the teacher said we needed sparkles. So me and you ran into the supply room and opened the cabinet to get the sparkles. We were both too short to reach it, but you volunteered to get the sparkles. Unfortunately, what we didn’t know was that the sparkles were still open (I think this was for the Angel Alert Play?). So the box of sparkles rain down to the ground. A brief glance at each other, then we were quickly on the ground trying to scoop as many sparkles we can back into the box.
  2. Um…the time I didn’t know you had surgery… I’M SO SORRY! After sleeping over at Longlee’s house, I didn’t realize that a cat had scratched your neck and it started swelling. And I didn’t notice anything until I saw the large tape on your neck and telling me that you had surgery. The worst part of all of this is my oblivion to everything that had happened to you (I’m such a terrible friend…)
  3. This event involved me crying (with actual tears) and yelling out “PRICELESS!” sooo many times. I think I’ll name this event the “Priceless Pantsing” So we (us freshmen and the 8th graders) slept over at your house and we were getting read for bed. I think this was for a birthday party sleep over for you and Hope. Well anyways, we all had our socks and and decided to gracefully slide across the room. All that grace ended when your shorts fell down and gave everyone a wonderful display of your underwear. Omg….soooooo priceless.

Ethan Nguyen, you are a person that anyone can depend on. You were the first person I told about my YouTuber dream and wanting to share my ideas and God with the world. You were one of the first supporters and subscribers of my blog. You were always the one I could trust my secrets with. You have always been one of my greatest friends I could talk to and know I’d get your support. Another thing I loved about you: you’re always head strong and stubborn (in a good and confident way). When you wanted to sleep over at Longlee’s house, but I thought that you were allergic to cats and wouldn’t let you. But you were adamant that you weren’t and it was just the cat’s claw that was dirty. Whenever we’d play video games, you were the one who choose the tank to go to the front line and take all the damage. You are brave and strong, which reflected on both your actions and how you play video games.  A trait that I’ve always admired of you is your persistence. You’ve told me about how you’re going to get better at something and you always come through.  I know for a fact that your will-power is by far, the strongest I’ve seen out of most of my friends. Thank you so much for being my friend always being part of my second family. Even though you weren’t physically there to see my departure, you were still  there in a part of my heart. I love you!

Songs to dedicate to you…hmm. I know fo sho that you love electronic music and remixes. So I looked at your Spotify for your old favorites, how about these two?:

I won’t ever forget you Ethan!

Matthew Nguyen

Disclaimer! This is not a goodbye because I’m terrible with goodbye’s. So think of these blog posts as a “thank-you-for-everything-that-you’ve-done-for-me-and-I’ll-never-forget-you” kind of thing. I will definitely see you again in the future so don’t you dare think that I’m just going to disappear from the surface of the Earth. If you want to read all the blog posts I’ve made about my “departure,” then please scroll down to “Categories” and pick “Timothy’s Letter to the Church.” This series of blog posts will be personal and only a select few will understand what I’m saying, so, sorry to those who have no clue of what I’m talking about!

Um…I’m not sure if you’ll be O.K. with me putting you on my blog and the internet in general, but what ever! 😀 Since I have a lot of people to talk about, I need to place a limit on how many words I’ll write for each person, so does a max of 800 words per person sound good? Including the “Disclaimer” that will be at the beginning and the introduction of each blog post? No? Well this is my blog so sucks for you 😛

As you can see, I’m trying to apply as much humor I can so that I’ll be able to publicly embarrass you aaaand make sure you don’t forget me. 😀 Don’t worry, I’ll save the last 100 words for a nice paragraph announcing my love for you. Let’s begin with the embarrassing moments shall we?

  1. So…how’s Joy doing? I think I’ll call this moment the “I Spy an Awkward Couple” moment. O.K. I’m aware that you said you guys weren’t a thing, and I respect that, but at least show it? During Easter Picnic, you and Joy were sitting on a bench alone just talking near the lake. So me, Ethan, and Hope decide to spy on you! Yaaay! I’m pretty sure you guys were aware of us creeping towards you guys, but I think the point was to make it as awkward as possible. Whoops?
  2. Another interesting moment you shared with me: the “Dare to go Nude” incident. According to you, when you adamantly told your parents you didn’t want to go on a family vacation. They surprisingly left you home alone for a day. “Surprisingly.” So you decided to go nude for the whole day and left things “hanging out.” After announcing your nude-home-alone-decision during teens, you also mentioned that it “felt good to relax and feel free.” Thank you so much for sharing that with me, but I have just shared it with the entire internet (well, at least people who bother looking at my pitiful blog…)
  3. This one is my fault: “Finnick O-There is Your Toe!” I’m pretty sure you’ve read the “Hunger Games” by Suzanne Collins; great series ya’ know. And I’m pretty sure you also know that District 4 is known for fishing and killing their enemies with tridents and spears. Well, this all relates to the incident where I nearly spear your toe off. (Again, so sorry) During Church Beautification day, we were helping get rid of the weeds in the front lawn. I decide to be cool, and I accurately threw my pitch fork at the weeds…that were under your foot… (omg so sorry) I ended up piercing a hole through your shoe and you could feel the cold metal between your toes. Sigh…I’m so deranged.
  4. I’m gonna hold this against you for the rest of your life: the “Time To Leave the Stage!” incident. Unfortunately, Sylvie didn’t notice it; she doesn’t usually notice anything that’s going on, but anywaaays. We were singing “One Thing Remains” infront of the ENTIRE Vietnamese Christian congregation for Hoi Dong, so probably about 200-300 people. After we were finished, everyone stood on the stage to wait for the worship team to come up and take out mics. But, to mess things up, you just haaaaad to leave the stage early, making everything super awkward: a true aca-awkward moment. So, everyone tries unsuccessfully to contain their laughter, but then bursts into laughter off stage. How could this get worse you ask? It was broadcasted on television on the Vietnamese channel. So probably most of SoCal saw this!
  5. OOH! I FORGOT THIS ONE MOMENT. ADDING THIS EVEN THOUGH I ALREADY PUBLISHED THIS! Sooo we were in Middle School and hanging out at the Church’s parking lot. I notice some cattail looking weeds and I told you,
    “Oh hey! Did you know these plants can cut through rope?
    And then you doubted me, saying “No.” So like my deranged self, I decided to prove to you that the blades of the plant can actually cut you. So I took a leaf and swiped it across your arm…making you bleed. I’M SO SORRY! — I feel like I harm you too much…
  6. OMG WHAT, A SIXTH ONE POPPED INTO MY MIND. You really are one ako-taco. It was in the winter and we were in the mountains with Jeremy. After we decided there was too little snow to play with (we were literally collecting snow from patches to bring back to the cabin), we were to an adventure to the lake! The result of this was very high pitched screams…i regret everything. We decided it would be a fun idea to walk on the ice of the lake, even though there was a sign saying “DON’T WALK ON THIN ICE.” The tension was real. Each step felt like the lake was gonna break; each step sounded like the ice was gonna give up. After you got your shoe soaked, we finally decided to get out of that terrible mess of ice. We’re such idiots lol…

This is the part where I turn off my terrible attempt to be funny. Matthew Nguyen, we’re the same age and we’ve known each other for a very very very long time. I remember when I was younger, I went up to your dad and said “Excuse me…sir? Where’s Matthew?” I wanted to play with you; to be with you because we were best friends. Now I have a new meaning to best friends: my second family and you were the one who made me realize this. Thank you so much for putting up with my sass in class and all my embarrassing fails. I love you, and I hope we’re still going on that road trip!

I dedicate this song to you (so you won’t forget your fail):

It’s not the exact song we sang, but message is still the same: listen to instructions before acting the opposite -__-

Thank you Mat!

Music and Life: The Remix

So I’m back… Say whaaaat?

School started on August 27th, but that’s not the reason why I’m restarting this blog. I decided that I had a lot of fun blogging last year but I couldn’t really “have fun” because I was under the limits of my old English teacher. Now that I have a new English teacher that doesn’t even do blogs, I get to have full control over what is to become of my blog! Yay!

Of course, coming back from June means changes.

This first thing I wanna change is Continue reading