Bills, Bills, (and more) Bills

Hello everyone!

How many of you guys know a person who keeps asking for free stuff from you? You’re homework? You’re lunch? Borrowing money and never giving it back? In “The Count of Monte Cristo” by Alexandre Dumas, there are so many of those “free-loaners” that I wonder how much did they steal from their “friends.” Since Caderousse is dead and out of the picture, the next greedy and money-centered person is Baron Danglars, an extremely wealthy banker. To me and probably every other who reads this book can just tell that Danglars is an annoying and self-centered person who only cares about saving money. This is how I’ll show my hatred towards Danglars: “Bills, Bills, Bills” by Destiny’s Child.

The video above is the original song, but I feel like the Glee version is more suitable for “The Count of Monte Cristo” because the Glee version is sung by males. The reason why I like the Glee version better for this blog post is because I imagine all the men constantly complaining and getting frustrated because Danglars keeps asking more money, keeps withholding money from charities, and tries to cheat people by giving them a lower amount of money than they actually deserve. (Even though the lyrics are for females to sing…but think of it in the context that it’s about guys who are mad at each other because of one’s constant need and financial reliance on the other)

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Hi everyone!

I have a big problem at the moment. I’m currently at the library because the internet at my house STOPPED WORKING! I feel so deprived…I can’t check my homework…I can’t go on Facebook…I CAN’T BLOG! So here I am in the library at around 5PM, trying to get this blog post done.

Anyways, like I said before, I’m currently reading “The Count of Monte Cristo” by Alexandre Dumas. I know I’ve said many books are good in the past and what not, but this one is the real deal. According to my English teacher, even the seniors says that “The Count of Monte Cristo” was their favorite book; even though they read this book at a sophomore. Edmond Dantes, our main character, was betrayed but had made a full recovery from the back-stab and he is ready for action! He is disguising himself as, as you may guess, The Count of Monte Cristo. The new Count has come back with plans of revenge and has the wealth from his buried treasure to fund it all. I think a song should be used to congratulate Dantes/The Count for his come back…how about Secrets by One Republic?

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Part of Me

The cycle of books comes and goes in an English class, each one filled with a different story, perspective, and world to dive in. The memories and horrors of war from “All Quiet on the Western Front” drifts away and another time period has begun with revenge, love, jealousy, and strength from “The Count of Monte Cristo” by Alexandre Dumas. I’m already one chapter in and there is already drama sneaking around from every corner. During the reign of Napoleon of France, a young had the perfect life until what I like to call “The Back Stab” happened. Think of it like this: You are a 19 year old and you just got a new car, became the boss of the job of your dreams, about to get married, and about to see your father who you haven’t seen for so many years. Sounds good right? Well, during the wedding, the FBI rushes into the room right before you can say “I do,” then they whisk you away to a prison on an island in the middle of some ocean. Edmond Dantes, the main character of “The Count of Monte Cristo,” had to experience EVERY SINGLE BIT of that. You can’t even imagine the suffering he had to go through. But there is a part of him that will never be taken away from him: his determination.

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