
Hi everyone!

I have a big problem at the moment. I’m currently at the library because the internet at my house STOPPED WORKING! I feel so deprived…I can’t check my homework…I can’t go on Facebook…I CAN’T BLOG! So here I am in the library at around 5PM, trying to get this blog post done.

Anyways, like I said before, I’m currently reading “The Count of Monte Cristo” by Alexandre Dumas. I know I’ve said many books are good in the past and what not, but this one is the real deal. According to my English teacher, even the seniors says that “The Count of Monte Cristo” was their favorite book; even though they read this book at a sophomore. Edmond Dantes, our main character, was betrayed but had made a full recovery from the back-stab and he is ready for action! He is disguising himself as, as you may guess, The Count of Monte Cristo. The new Count has come back with plans of revenge and has the wealth from his buried treasure to fund it all. I think a song should be used to congratulate Dantes/The Count for his come back…how about Secrets by One Republic?

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The A Team

Hello everyone  : )

This post is going to be a little different then my past posts. I’m going to try a realistic view on Earth and one of the problems that need to be fixed. I think that blog posts should have uplifting thoughts and morals, but since life isn’t perfect, there should be some to explain problems in the world that are difficult to control. “The A Team” by Ed Sheeran really dictates what I’m talking about. Please enjoy the song and keep an open and clear mind.

I hope this song gave you a small glimpse of hope and a realization of change that’s need to make a more loving community. Since this post is going to be a little different, I’m going to try a different format of my posts. I think this new format of my posts will improve my writing. Well, here goes.

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