Crows vs. Crops

Some may be wondering why I posted twice today. The simple reason is this: school.
First if all, if you haven’t read from my “About Me” page, me and my fellow peers are supposed to create a blog of what you like. There’s also this assignment that we have to post once a week about what we learned in class. I’ve decided to do one post a week about music and another about school. I’m not saying this is really tedious or anything. To be honest, I love my English class and I’m always excited to find out what new thing we’re going to be learning about.

As some may have guessed from my previous post “Paradise,” was school intended. I talked about a Sophocles play about Oedipus. What I learned this time was called “Crows vs. Crops.” Our class is doing an innovation project to meet the common need and make life easier and create a better community. We would come up with our idea and then enter the “Crows vs. Crops” stage. This stage was when people question your project/idea and hopefully, you’ll be able to think of things you haven’t thought of and might consider doing. The “crops” are the produce or goals that are set in your mind and the “crows” are these following questions that will help guide you. The “crows” are to pick and peck out the problems so they they can be solved.

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Song of the Caged Bird

Hello everyone! : )
This is my first blog post about music. I love music and its been a big part of my life; playing the piano, guitar, and flute and I love to sing. I’ve created this blog to share my ideas and interpretations of my absolutely favorite songs. This first song is called “Song of the Caged Bird.” Please listen to it first then read below for my analysis.

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